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  3. Stress management
Stress. Pressure. Anxiety. Tension. Whatever you call it, there is no shortage of it in today’s fast-paced, technologically advanced workplace.

Obviously stress has a powerful impact on us. Can we eliminate stress from the modern work life? Definitely CAN’T -- and it’s also a good thing we can’t. We need a certain degree of stress in our lives to spur us to action, challenge our perception of what we are capable of, and help us reach new levels of performance. The trick is learning how to manage the stress versus being overwhelmed by it.

Here are some suggestions that may help you to relax yourself and minimize your stress.

Have a break
Take a breathing break. Frequent short breaks during the day allow you to breathe deeply and relax your mind, preventing stress build-up.

Get to know what gets you stressed
What, exactly, is stressing you out? Is it your job? Your home life? Your relationships? Without knowing the root of the problem, you are unlikely to resolve it. If you are having difficulty identifying the source of your stress, seek professional help.

Smiling not only makes you look good but it can also have a huge affect on your mood. As they say “Smile and the whole world will smile back at you”

Begin an exercise program. Exercise helps release, which relieves stress.

Let Go
Recognize the difference between the things you can control and the things you cannot. Try your best to stop stressing about the things in your job you have no control over.

Take note of all the good work you do and give yourself credit for it. Set short-term goals and allow yourself to take satisfaction in achieving them.

Balance in your life
Job stress builds when our minds are constantly focused on work. Strive for balance in your life. Make time for family, friends, and hobbies. Have fun at the right time.

Professional guidance and Treatment options
Ask help if you need further assistance.


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